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Nowadays, everyone tells stories
Because of that, we want to convert on our experience in professional storytelling into a functional platform so that everyone can dream to make a living from sharing in their social media. Just make video tips consistently !
First, you need a website
Hack. SOCIAL MEDIA• lack • of • LINKS
Because a website gives you more control of where the contents direct the audiences into
Then, post video tips every 1-2 days
The trend of social media will eventually into one post with engaging information that gives the combination of entertainment and also inspirational at the same time.
Video is the solution.
The idea is we must make a small video to represent the bigger content. Tips & tricks is the easiest form of entertaining and inspiring video It can uncover personalities, stories & secrets that makes unique from one account another. That's what this platform is going to help people to maximise their social media to communicate with their followers with video tips
Visit here to see some of our communities to illustrate of how we use video tips in our Instagram